Monday, January 31, 2011

Spread the word

Those of you who have read Phantom Four: Children of the Grave and enjoyed it, feel free to tell us what you think. We appreciate any and all feedback as the series moves forward. Write a short review on or, or just message us here, or at our Facebook page. More people must learn about the brothers of darkness and their awesome quest.

Our interview with co-creator Brian Wilson has been postponed for a later date. Author and co-creator Roger Wilson is currently collecting feedback as research before beginning to write the sequel! Stay tuned for more news.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Coming Soon: Interview w/ Brian Wilson

Sometime soon, we will sit and talk with Brian Wilson, co-creator and early storywriter for the Phantom Four! He will give exclusive insight on his brother's book, and interesting info into the foursome's origin. Stay tuned for it.